去旅游网 > 美国 > 美国西海岸 > 加利福尼亚州 > 旧金山 > 7日游-旧金山-黄石-大提顿-盐湖城-大峡谷-羚羊峡谷-拉斯维加斯 (旧金山出发)

7日游-旧金山-黄石-大提顿-盐湖城-大峡谷-羚羊峡谷-拉斯维加斯 (旧金山出发) 线路代码:  YB7

  • 4.5星 / 5星
  • 5 星87%
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  • 3 星12%
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8 条评论 | 13 图片 76人已出游
周六 (6/13 - 9/26)
旧金山; 萨克拉门托; 库比蒂诺; 伯林盖姆; 苗必达; 奥克兰(加州)
英语; 普通话
游览黄石公园, 大峡谷, 盐湖城, 布莱斯峡谷公园, 大提顿国家公园。可自由选择一日羚羊峡谷与马蹄湾游替代大峡谷西缘或南缘。
  • 12个国家、州和私立公园
  • 2晚住宿拉斯维加斯,自选大峡谷西缘或南缘进行游览
  • 10+年经验的英语导游
  • 1500万的旅游巴士保险,属行业中最高
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  • Aswathy

  • We are back home after a fantastic tour with a fantastic guide and driver. This is my third trip with Taketours and that says it all! This is the longest trip I have taken and I had my parents with me. I was little skeptical about how they would feel with the long duration of the trip. But they totally enjoyed the trip. Sofiya was our tour guide for all the seven days. She is a friendly, well travelled, knowledgeable, thoughtful, fun loving and an entertaining guide. She took good care of us and happily attended the special needs of her guests. She was always available to answer our questions and helped us to choose the optional activities. Her expert suggestions helped us a lot of save time. Her explanations are engaging and clear. Our driver, Joe was a total entertainer. His efficient driving made us feel the 3000+ miles we covered a breeze. The bus was clean and has charging points. The accommodations were decent and comfortable. Every food stops had multiple options which offers something for everybody. My two cents to those who are planning to take the tour - to cover so much without feeling rushed, in the little time we have, please please be on time. Also if in doubt, ask; esp about the reporting time. We had to cancel our Vegas night tour as some ppl didn't return on time and by the time we hit Vegas, the driver was out of hours.
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  • Kenny

  • 大巴舒适,司机驾驶技术高,车上有充电插头,虽然长途跋涉,但是坐着不累,可能和大巴有关,一路风景优美。导游讲解清晰,说得明白,没有强制消费,没有坑游客,挑选的几家中餐馆也不错,价格合适,父母吃的很开心。其他游客也十分友好,总体环境和谐舒适。
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  • Chen Xiaying

  • 这个团还是比较不错的,我跟的这个团导游是叶导,从不强买强卖,自选自费景点从来都是详细介绍后大家自由选择去或是不去,吃饭也是,每个吃饭点周围也有其他可选,不会让客人必须在公司合作的一些中国餐馆就餐。导游人很不错,英语也很好,好评!
  • 我推荐这条线路! 0 0

  • Aswathy

  • We are back home after a fantastic tour with a fantastic guide and driver. This is my third trip with Taketours and that says it all! This is the longest trip I have taken and I had my parents with me. I was little skeptical about how they would feel with the long duration of the trip. But they totally enjoyed the trip. Sofia was our tour guide for all the seven days. She is a friendly, well travelled, knowledgeable, thoughtful, fun loving and an entertaining guide. She took good care of us and happily attended the special needs of her guests. She was always available to answer our questions and helped us to choose the optional activities. Her expert suggestions helped us a lot of save time. Her explanations are engaging and clear. Our driver, Joe was a total entertainer. His efficient driving made us feel the 3000 miles we covered a breeze. The bus was clean and has charging points. The accommodations were decent and comfortable. Every food stops had multiple options which offers something for everybody. My two cents to those who are planning to take the tour - to cover so much without feeling rushed, in the little time we have, please please be on time. Also if in doubt, ask; esp about the reporting time. We had to cancel our Vegas night trip as some people didn't return on time and by the time we hit Vegas, the driver was out of hours.
  • 我推荐这条线路! 0 0

  • caozijun

  • 衣食住行都很不错,全程中英文双语,导游很专业,值得一去。
  • 我推荐这条线路! 0 0
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